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The Hadley Post

What is a Text?

World News | Technology | Music | Politics

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Today: Cloudy,  Chance of Rain, 92/74

Meet your Editor!

In the 21st-century, technological advancements are the norm.  As children grow with the constant sidekick of social media and countries race to be the first with a Space Force, an important area of society awaits its next pivotal moments; developments in musical producing; the next marketable idea for a non-profit organization; the next medical development to wipe out cancer, bringing immortality into tangible grasp. Intellectual Property attorneys await their next client, who will bring forth an invaluable idea to legally protect, and I patiently await the day that I will join them and propel us farther into technological revolution.


The next four slides will draw in readers by briefly bringing to life the above examples through my personal experience and interest. Set up like a newspaper, The Hadley Post aims to gain the trust and interest of readers by exhibiting my understanding of these aspects of Intellectual Property. For more in-depth information, sources are found embedded as hyperlinks in text, and a few photos.




"Early to bed, early to rise, makes a [wo]man healthy, wealthy and wise."

-Benjamin Franklin





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